Lizbeth Torres

Witchcraft in Latin America; Ethnography; Afro-Diasporic Religions; Santa Muerte; Cultural Diversity and Syncretism
HSSB 3055
Office Hours:
Thursdays 1:00-2:30 pm
Time Period: Winter 2025


Lizbeth’s research interests primarily focus on Afro-Disaporic religions, specifically Palo Mayombe. She is also interested in Santa Muerte and these belief systems’ cultural and spiritual significance, seeking to understand their practices and impact on individuals and communities. Her study is focused on the intersection of these religious traditions, particularly in Latin America.

Lizbeth holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Sociology and Religious Studies from California State University, Bakersfield.


  • SOC 128: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (TA, Fall 2024)
  • RGST 81/HIST 46MI: Modern Iran and Global Politics (TA, Winter 2025)