Shakir Stephen
M.A. Religious Studies, New York University
- Thesis: “Into the Science Classroom: Creationism, Leveraging the Law, and Post-Fact Epistemes”
B.A. Religion & Pure Mathematics, University of Vermont
Teaching Associate
INT 93LS – Interrogating American Politics through Secularism and Religion (Track 5, “Legal Labyrinth” w/ UCSB Summer Research Academies)
Teaching Assistant
RGST 7 – Introduction to American Religion
RGST 35 – Religion and Politics
RGST 80C – Religion and Western Civilization III: Modern
RGST 14 – Native American Religious Traditions
RGST 30 – Judaism
Blankholm, Joseph, Ryan T. Cragun, Abraham Hawley-Suárez, and Shakir Stephen. 2024. “The Beliefs of Nonbelievers: Exclusive Empiricism and Mortal Finitude Among Atheists and Agnostics.” Sociology of Religion srae003. doi: 10.1093/socrel/srae003.
Stephen, Shakir. Review of None of the Above: Nonreligious Identity in the US and Canada by Joel Thiessen and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, Reading Religion, June 22, 2021.
Co-Chair, Philosophy of Religion Unit – American Academy of Religion, Western Region